
Showing posts from June, 2016

Facebook like box- Social Plugin -Embed like button

It is a very easy to get  a  like button on your blogger site   You just need to follow few given step , That all ! First go to this link  goto your facebook page and copy the link and paste it on  under the " Facebook Page URL"  then you can see the DEMO of page . how it will looks like on your web/blogger page (see the given below picture ;- Facebook Page URL scroll down click on "GET CODE" Get Code when you see code like this on picture  : JavaScrips    JAVA Script Copy the scrip and go to Blogger /Dashboard/Layout/ add Gadget Blogger Layout      add   HTML/JavaScript  and paste JAVAScript code copied from Facebook Development pa...

What's New in iOS 10 -Apple

With iOS 10, you can build more powerful apps than ever. As you explore these changes to see how they can benefit your app, pay special attention to the design guidance. Widgets on the Search screen and Home screen.   A widget provides timely, useful information or app-specific functionality without the need to open an app. In the past, people added widgets to Notification Center for quick access. Now, people add widgets to the Search screen, which is accessed by swiping to the right on the Home screen and the Lock screen. You can also show a widget above the quick action list that appears when people use 3D Touch to press your app icon on the Home screen. The design and behavior of widgets has also changed. Be sure to review and update your existing designs accordingly. See   Widgets . Integration with Messages.   Apps can integrate with Messages by implementing a messaging extension that appears below a conversation in Messages and lets people share ...

कहिले पुग्ला मुलुकभर अप्टिकल फाइबर? Fiber Optic Internet Connection in Nepal

  तेह्रौं योजनाले यसै आर्थिक वर्षभित्र ६५ जिल्ला सदरमुकामलाई अप्टिकल फाइबर सञ्जालभित्र जोडिसक्ने लक्ष्य राखे पनि हालसम्म ४९ जिल्ला सदरमुकाम मात्र सञ्जालमा जोडिएका छन्।   बजेटमा आगामी वर्षभित्र ७२ जिल्ला सदरमुकामभित्र अप्टिकल फाइबर पुर्‍याउने घोषणा गरिएको छ। घोषणालाई कार्यान्वयन गर्ने सरकारी स्वामित्वको दूरसञ्चार कम्पनी नेपाल टेलिकमले भने आगामी वर्षभित्र ६१ जिल्ला सदरमुकामलाई मात्र यस्तो सञ्जालमा जोड्न सक्ने योजना अघि बढाएको छ। सरकारले मध्यपहाडी र हुलाकी राजमार्गमा अप्टिकल फाइबर बिछ्याउने घोषणा गरिसक्यो। तर , दुवै राजमार्गका कतिपय स्थानमा ट्रयाकसमेत खुलेको छैन। जहाँ जमिनमुनि गाडेर मात्र होइन तार टाँगेरसमेत अप्टिकल फाइबर विस्तार गर्न सम्भव छैन। गुणस्तरीय टेलिफोन र उच्च गतिको इन्टरनेट सेवाका लागि सरकारले बर्सेनि अप्टिकल फाइबर सञ्जाल विस्तारको घोषणा गर्छ। तर , घोषणाअनुसार काम अघि बढ्न नसक्दा तेह्रौं योजनाको लक्ष्य जस्तै बर्सेनिका घोषणा अधुरै रहने गरेका छन्। मोबाइल फोन बोक्ने र त्यसमा इन्टरनेट चलाउने उपभोक्ताको संख्या तीव्र रू...

Synology Autoback up code

Synology Inc backup/network  in my understanding Synolgoy NAS is very good for internal backup/file sharing and security is excellent. Today I am sharing how to auto backup data/files from your computer to Synology with coding First,     You have to create an user ID and share folder and give full access for same user. For Example:  You have create an user ID called " HR1 "  and share folder Name is "HR" Give the full "read & write" permission to HR1 Now go to RUN and type your Synology Network Path ( whatever you have given when you setup your synolgy)  For Example: - if we have this name synoloty "BackupXNepal"   Go to RUN and type "\\BackupXnepal " now find the 'HR" file there double click on it and go to address bar and copy the address: "\\backupXnepal\HR " Now go to Note pad type this code:  net use n: \\backupXnepal\HR /user:HR Password  Robocopy "%userprofile%\...